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China Flag

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flag of China

Flag of China

The red Chinese flag has two historical bases. It special delivers the revolutionary communist philosophy that has subjugated China for several years. Red is also the traditional cultural color of the Han, who form the overwhelming mainstream in the nation. The first republic was established in 1912 and these five stars in China Flag form horizontal stripes in the national flag. Indeed, five has long been a substantial number in Chinese representation; it resembles to the four serious points plus the center. It also means traditional five rulers, five classics, five virtues, and five elements.

On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China officially hoisted five stars appearing in yellow in the upper hoist canton. The big star stands for the Chinese Communist Party and its foremost role in guiding the nation. Flag of China has smaller stars represent the proletariat, the peasants, the petty bourgeoisie, and the patriotic capitalists. Later, reinterpretations of the party construction led to a studied symbolism: the large star was considered for China, the smaller stars meant for country’s national minorities.

History of China Flag

The first nationwide flag of Taiwan was initially used in 1663 during the Kingdom of Tungning which had a basic white flag with the appeal on the red bordered circle. The standard flag of the Qing dynasty was used from 1683 until 1895 when the Republic of Formosa was confirmed. The Formosan flag had a tiger on a bare blue filed with blue clouds below it.

During Japanese regulation of Taiwan, the flag of Japan was hovered in the island from 1895 to 1945. At the same time, when the administration of the Republic of China was recognized on January 1, 1912, the "Five-Colored Flag" was designated by the provisional Senate as the national flag. The "18-Star Flag" was accepted by the army and the contemporary flag was assumed as a naval ensign.

Following the transmission of Taiwan from Japan to China in 1945, the flag was quantified in Article Six of the 1947 Constitution. After the Chinese Civil War in 1949, the administration of Chiang Kai-shek repositioned the sovereign self-governing country of the Republic of China (ROC) to the island of Taiwan. On the continental, the communist forces of Mao Zedong recognized the People's Republic of China and accepted their own national flag.

China Flag Design and Symbolic Meaning

As per the current government clarification of the flag, the red background symbolizes the revolution and the golden colors stars radiate on the red background. The five stars and their association signify the unity of Chinese people under the control of the Communist Party of China. The location of the stars demonstrates that the unity should go around an epicenter. In the original account of the flag by Zeng, the larger star represents the Communist Party of China, and the four smaller stars that border the big star denote the four social classes known as the urban petite bourgeoisie, the working class, the national bourgeoisie, and the peasantry. The five stars that formed an ellipse signify the territory of China which is shaped like a Begonia leaf.

About China

China shares the longest land border of 22,117 kilometres (13,743 mi) with 14 neighbor countries. The countries that are share border with China are Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam. The population of China is 138.64 crores (2017) having the population density estimated with 145 people per square kilometer, or 375 people per square mile.

China has unitary one-party socialist republic. The official language of China is Chinese and the currency is Renminbi. China comprises of two letters China code i.e. CN and its three letters China code is CHN and in digits it is 156. The calling code is +86 and the UTC i.e. standard time followed in China is UTC +8 hours.

Being a federal republic, China comprises a total of 23 independent provinces.

China Country Information Updated 2025

Country China
Continent Asia
Official languages Standard Chinese
Capital Peking (Beijing)
Currency Chinese yuan ¥ or 元 (CNY)

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China Time Zones

CET UTC+08:00
CEST UTC+08:00

China Codes

Internet TLD CN
Three-letter country code CHN
Three-digit country code 156
Calling code +86