The 14 independent countries within australia or oceania continent do have their own national flag and so is the Flag of Australia. Thus, when we say Flags of Oceania or Australia, it is inclusive of the national flags of Oceania and Australia countries. The country flags of Oceania show a huge diversity just like the nations where these have originated from. Australia is the largest nation in this continent and thus it is widely available. One may find it easier to buy the Australian flag in this region as compared to the flags of other countries. This continent combines a mainland that is entirely occupied by Australia along with several island nations of Oceania that are less recognized. Few of these are the present as well as the former British territories and for this reason these comprise of Union Jack on the upper left corner. The most popular national flags of the continent Australia and Oceania are: flags of New Zealand’s Southern Cross and Australian Southern Cross. It is called so due to the presence of constellation on them. However, the Australian flags make for a little percentage when it comes to all the flags of Oceania. Most of the flags of Oceania share elements which come from European powers while others comprise of symbols that are uniquely related to the traditional cultures of the nations as well as the individual islands of Oceania. However, There is no specific flag of Australia and Oceania continent as the continents do not have any particular flag.
The vast majority of nations within Oceania was absorbed in the European Empires at the time of colonial period. The British Empire had a control over several regions and it left its imprints of the flags of those regions. While other countries like Netherlands and France also had their colonies in Oceania. Few islands in that particular area became the part of the American sphere of influence, though majority of these islands were controlled by the European powers prior to their transfer to the American control. Most of the Flags of Oceania have contain symbols adopted from their colonial flags. The Union Jack especially a common element present into the modern flags however, the other symbols and colors can also be seen in the flags of independent countries of Oceania. Additionally, the former colonies of Britain is likely to use the symbols from its colonial flags while one may also find that their flags comprise of the remnants of Flag of the United States or France.
Traditional Culture
Most of the countries have also incorporated in their flags the elements from traditional cultures into their flags. These elements show variations as the nations in this regions themselves, and this ranges from local wildlife depictions to the symbols of traditional authority and even national landmarks. Every country shows a distinguished balance amongst their colonial as well as traditional heritage. Australian flags focus on their British heritage, and the flag of Brunei represents the traditional features. Every country flag of Australia and Oceania features a unique mixture of the two varied influences in its own cultures. Thus, a person who opts to buy Australian flag and other who opts to buy a flag of Brunei are both buying an accurate symbol of the nation's culture, though both these flags focus on varied parts of the region's history.
The Australia and Oceania continent together comprises of several flags as it constitutes of the flags of each 14 sovereign independent countries in the continent. The Flags of Australia and Oceania are symbol or emblem of the Australian countries that represents every individual country with a particular vision and strength. Each Flag of Australia comprises of its own distinctive combination of symbols, shapes and colors but by convention almost every Flag of Australia and Oceania is rectangular in shape. Apart from the independent states this region also comprises of the national flags of the dependent territories.